Types of Courses in Ontario High Schools
Navigating the course options in Ontario high schools can be a complex task for students and parents alike. The Ontario curriculum offers a variety of courses tailored to different learning styles, interests, and future aspirations. Understanding these course types is essential for making informed decisions about academic pathways. This blog provides an overview of the different types of courses offered in Grades 9 and 10, as well as Grades 11 and 12, helping students and parents navigate the diverse educational landscape.

1) Grades 9 and 10:
- Academic Courses (D): These courses focus on theoretical studies and abstract problem-solving. They are designed to deepen students’ understanding of subjects and are ideal for those planning to pursue university-level education.
- Applied Courses (P): Emphasizing practical applications, these courses cater to students who prefer learning through real-world experiences. Offered only in Grade 10, they prepare students for college and workplace pathways.
- Open Courses (O): Accessible to all students, open courses focus on broadening knowledge in areas of personal interest, enhancing general education.
- De-streamed Courses (W): Combining academic and applied elements, these courses offer an equitable learning environment, keeping all post-secondary options open, including university, college, and the workplace.
2) Grades 11 and 12:
- University Preparation Courses (U): Preparing students for university, these courses focus on advanced theoretical knowledge and critical thinking.
- University/College Preparation Courses (M): These courses offer a balanced approach to theoretical and practical learning, suitable for both university and college pathways.
- College Preparation Courses (C): Focused on practical applications, these courses develop skills for college programs, emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving.
- Workplace Preparation Courses (E): Designed for direct entry into the workforce or apprenticeship programs, these courses focus on practical job skills and include work experience placements.
- Open Courses (O): Like those in earlier grades, these courses allow students to explore various subjects, enriching their educational experiences without a specific post-secondary focus.
At Toronto Global Academy, we offer a comprehensive range of courses designed to help students discover their passions and prepare for their future. Our curriculum provides the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for success in university, college, or the workplace. We are dedicated to supporting students in achieving their academic and career goals, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.
For more information on the types of courses in Ontario high school or assistance in course selection: